
Hi! I’m Luke Dorman, a game designer and artist based in Victoria, Australia. I have a passion for all things video games and want to create stories and experiences for the world to enjoy.​

I’ve worked on a few different things, both shipped commercial products and personal projects, and I’m looking to continue my career in the games industry. I want to make more awesome fun things for people to enjoy!

In my free time, I play guitar and occasionally draw 2D art. I’m an animation and fighting games enthusiast, but many of my favourite games vary from classic Xbox games like Halo, single-player stories like Night in the Woods, and competitive fighting games like Skullgirls. Keen on fighting games? Talk to me about them!

Work Experience
and volunteering

Junior Level Designer, Drop Bear Bytes - September 2019, October 2020 - Current

I first worked with Drop Bear Bytes in September 2019 where I was introduced to Broken Roads
as Junior Level Designer. I was later brought back onto the project in October 2020 and have since
worked and grown with the studio. My responsibilities included building and designing game levels
from the ground up in Photoshop and Unity, set dressing and polishing levels, and quality assurance.

Quality Assurance, Tin Man Games - March 2019

I provided feedback for the PlayStation VR title Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown,
as well as play-tested and bug-tested the game. My responsibilities involved finding
and reporting bugs and oddities within the game using an in-house bug reporting
software, as well as attempting to replicate existing bugs.

PAX 2019 Exhibitor, Drop Bear Bytes

While I was working with Drop Bear Bytes on their title Broken Roads, I had the opportunity to
exhibit alongside most of the team working in Melbourne. I had the chance to talk to many people
who came up to the booth and tell them about the game, our release plans, and how to keep track
of updates to the game via newsletter.